Hi, this is my first blog, I am little bit late on blogging. But, it is good to be late then never.
I decide to start with standby database configuration because lots of people still confuse for data guard. This configuration is for Oracle 9i, little bit old, but still this is very good for beginner to understand architecture of standby database and to familiar with terminology used.
I intentionally keep this very simple to maintain full concentrate on standby database configuration. Let me first explain my requirements and technical details before starting configuration.
Scenario:- (This is for windows machine.)
I want to create physical standby database for one database named “PriDB” running on host machine named “PrimaryHost”. The database is in Archive Log mode with automatic archiving enable (If it is not in Archive Log mode then first you should place database in Archive Log mode).
I take another server where I want to host my standby database. The name of that machine is “StandbyHost”. I installed Oracle software on it without database.
In next step I have to take backup of my primary database “PriDB”. For that, first I execute following query to get information of data files of primary database “PriDB”.
Now, To take backup, I shutdown (consistent shutdown) primary database “PriDB”, and take physical copy of all data files which is listed above and move it into the standby host (in my case it is “StandbyHost”.).
Note:- You can use RMAN to create standby database without stopping primary database, refer online manual for that
After copying databases to standby host, startup “PriDB” database to create physical standby control file. This control file later on used as control file for standby database.
Sql> Startup pfile=’c:\oracle\ora92\database\initPriDB.ora’
Once, standby control file created, move it to the standby host.
Now, we have all required data files and control file for standby database, now it is require to configure tnsnames.ora, listener.ora
and initialization parameters file for both databases.
To establish connection between primary database and standby database it is require to setup oracle net correctly.
At Primary Database site:-
Verify your listener.ora is properly configure or not for SID “PriDB”. Add one entry of connection
service for standby database in tnsnames.ora called it “StbyConn”. Don’t try to test the service for connection
with standby database, as there is no standby database created yet. Just make an entry which is used later on.
Sample of Net config files at PrimaryHost site
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = PrimaryHost) (PORT = 1521))
(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\ora92)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\ora92)
StbyConn =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = StandbyHost) (PORT = 1521))
PriDb =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = PrimaryHost) (PORT = 1521))
At Standby Database site:-
As there is no listener.ora and tnsnames.ora on standby database site we have to create it manually. For this,
I copy these files from primary database and modify it for standby database. First correctly configure listener.ora
for the SID “PriDB” which is same as primary database SID. (In our case the standby and primary database name are same.)
Now add two entry of service name in tnsname.ora file. One service name is use to make connection with Primary Database,
called “PriConn”. Another service name for standby database, called “StbyPriConn”. Keep these two files at standby host site,
we need these files later on.
Sample of Net config files at StandbyHost site
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = StandbyHost) (PORT = 1521))
(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\ora92)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\ora92)
PriConn =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = PrimaryHost) (PORT = 1521))
StbyPriConn =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = StandbyHost) (PORT = 1521))
Now, copy initialization parameters file of primary database “PriDB” called “InitPriDB.ora” and put it in temp location,
rename new file to “InitStbPriDB”, which is used for standby database. We have to make some changes in both initialization parameters files.
It is not require to do changes in all initialization parameters, only some of parameters need to change.
(1) Keep db_name identical for Primary database and Standby database.
(2) Specify "StandbyHost" as one of destination for Archive redo log files generated at Primary Database site by specifying ,
Log_archive_dest_2='service= StbyConn MANDATORY reopen=120'
Here, “StbyConn” is service name for standby database which we configure earlier in TnsNames.ora file on PrimaryHost.
(3) Set Remote_archive_enable=send [or true] for PraimryHost and set Remote_archive_enable=receive [or true] for StandbyHost
Note:- Remote_archive_enable is deprecated in oracle 10g.
(4) Background_dump_dest, User_dump_dest, Core_dump_dest should point to valid physical location in InitStbPriDB.ora
(5) Change control_files parameter in InitStbPriDB.ora by specifying
Here, “StbCntrl.ctl” is standby control file which we create from primary database earlier.
(6) To configure FAL service we have to specify two parameters in IniStbPriDB.ora
Fal_server= PriConn
Fal_client= StbyPriConn
Here, PriConn is for Primary Database and StbyPriConn is for Standby Database, which we configure in TnsNames.ora file at standbyHost earlier.
(7) Check Log_archive_dest_1 in InitStbPriDB.ora point to valid location or not. If not then make modification in it.
(8) standby_archive_dest='c:\oracle\oradata\RecArc', is used to specify location in “StandbyHost” where Archive redo log files of primary database
are placed by Log Transport Service.
Below is listing of sample initialization parameter files for Primary Database and Standby Database.
*.background_dump_dest='C:\oracle\admin\ PriDB \bdump'
*.core_dump_dest='C:\oracle\admin\ PriDB \cdump'
*.control_files='C:\oracle\oradata\ PriDB \CONTROL01.CTL','C:\oracle\oradata\ PriDB \CONTROL02.CTL','C:\oracle\oradata\ PriDB \CONTROL03.CTL'
*.Log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=C:\oracle\oradata\PriDBArc MANDATORY'
*.Log_archive_dest_2='service= StbyConn MANDATORY reopen=120'
*.user_dump_dest='C:\oracle\admin\ PriDB \udump'
*.Fal_server= PriConn
*.Fal_client= StbyPriConn
Aahhh!!! Now we have all require files are ready to setup new standby database. We have “standbyHost” ready with Oracle software installed into it, we will create database into that. First place the Data files with same directory structure as it is for Primary database and place control files in location specified by control_files init parameter. Place “InitStbPriDB.ora” in <OracleHome>/Database/. Place listener.ora and TnsNames.ora in <OracleHome>/Network/Admin/
To create oracle instance/service for PriDB in StandbyHost, execute following command from command prompt.
C:/> oradim –NEW –SID PriDB –IntPwd PasswordForSys
This will create one instance / service and password file for the PriDB on standByHost. Now Standby Database setup is complete. Perform following steps to start working of Standby database architecture.
On Standby Database
Sql> Startup Nomount
Sql> Alter database mount standby database;
To place standby database in managed recovery mode execute following command (in this mode Log apply service apply Archive redo log file which are coming from Primary database)
Sql> Alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
The inclusion of “disconnect from session” option in sql comand will start MRP (Managed Recovery Process) in background and return control after executing command.
On Primary Database
Sql>Shutdown immediate
Sql> startup pfile=’<OracleHome>/Database/InitPriDB.ora’;
To test these implementations create one table on Primary Database and insert data into it.
Sql> Create table TestStandby ( col1 number, col2 char(1000));
Sql> Insert into TestStandby values(1,’Pratik’);
Sql> Insert into TestStandby select * from TestStandby;
If Archive file is not generated then generate Archive redo log file manually using sql command and verify same archive log file is created or not on “StandbyHost” site (Archived log files are put on “StanbyHost” at location pointed by “standby_archive_dest” parameter, if this parameter is not specified then default location will be <OracleHome>/RDBMS).
Sql> Alter database Archive log current;
If Archived redo log file successfully transformed on “StandbyHost”, then to test whether Log Apply Service works properly or not we need to query table which we create on primary database.
To query on standby database we have to first stop Managed Recovery and open it in read only mode by executing any of following set of sql commands.
Sql> Alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
Sql> Alter database open read only;
Sql> shutdown immediate
Sql> Startup Nomount
Sql> Alter database mount standby database;
Sql> Alter database open read only;
Once standby database open in "Read only" mode, we can query from table “TestStandby” which we created on Primary Database.
Note:- When Physical standby Database is open in Managed Recovery Mode at that time you can’t query from standby Database(In case of Oracle 11g, things are change now). To query or generate report from Standby Database you need to first open it in Read only mode.
I hope this help in clearing doubts without adding new one.